
What does our environment mean to you?

Geosynthetics Limited has developed into a leading supplier of geosynthetic materials to a variety of industries and in addition, provides environmentally conscious and cost-effective design solutions.

The Company takes its responsibility to consider the community and future generations very seriously and will actively seek out all reasonable opportunities to minimise its impact upon the environment.

Our work towards becoming as environmentally responsible as possible has led to us achieving the ISO 14001:2015. The accreditation aligns our daily environmental practices with our passion for sustainable product development.


Did you know not only do Geosynthetics Ltd hold an ISO 14001:2015 accreditation but we also have a range of Environmentally Friendly products?

Our TTE system is an environmentally friendly, SuD’s (sustainable urban drainage system) compliant heavy-duty paving system. TTE represents an innovative and very ecological form of surface reinforcement, whether infilled with grass, gravel or block, TTE’s permeability is like no other!

Also, our Golpla® Grass & Gravel Reinforcement System which is suited to a wide range of applications is manufactured from polypropylene co-polymer and the majority of the colours are made from 100% recycled material! The system is ideal for general trafficking use and for all forms of architectural landscaping. This includes car parking areas, lay-bys, access roads and other forms of vehicular or pedestrian hard standing.

Golpla® complies with the requirements of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and is suitable for inclusion in applications where high infiltration is necessary as part of SuD’s schemes. It can also be supplied in a range of colours including Black, Grey, Buff and White or matched to any preferred RAL or Pantone colour.


For more information on Geosynthetics Ltd and our grass protection products or a quick quotation, please get in touch with our internal grass sales team member @Georgia Tallis who will be more than happy to assist you with your enquiry;


📞01455 617139