
Fundraising 2015

Fundraising Begins!

Fundraising Begins!

Thank you to all the team at the Mary Ann Evans Hospice, Nuneaton for letting us to visit today and preparing an array of gifts for us to sell in our office. The team are very excited and have already started to donate. We look forward to fundraising for the Hospice. 

Mary Ann Evans Hospice strive to enhance the quality of life of people who have a life limited illness through offering physical, emotional, social and spiritual support to them, their families and those caring for them throughout the palliative stages of their disease.

The theme for the Hansam Group annual fundraiser is ‘Everything Yellow’, the whole team is dressing up and taking part in games, raffle, tombola’s and the very competitive ‘Hansam Quiz’.

If you would like to donate to raffle prizes or cash donations please contact our fundraising team on 01455 617139 or email
