
National Apprenticeship week

National Apprenticeship Week

This week was National Apprenticeship Week, to celebrate this event Geosynthetics Ltd has been finding out more about their latest apprentice Deanna and what she thinks about her apprenticeship. Deanna joined Geosynthetics Ltd 8 months ago as an Apprentice in Business Administration working towards her level 3 qualification.


Here’s her thoughts on her apprenticeship.


What made you choose to take part in an apprenticeship?

Deanna: I chose to take part in an apprenticeship because after I took my GCSE’s at Hinckley Academy, I decided to further my knowledge in business studies as I thoroughly enjoyed it and I decided to study Business Administration at Level 2. After taking this subject, I knew that I wanted to start a career in Business. I thought that the best route for me to do would be an apprenticeship as not only will I be developing my knowledge at Level 3 in Business Administration, I would be getting a feel for what the work environment in an office based environment is like and I would be gaining another qualification in Business Administration.


Why did you choose to do your apprenticeship at Geosynthetics Ltd?

Deanna: I chose to do my apprenticeship at Geosynthetics Ltd as during my time at Hinckley Academy I also took part in a scheme called ‘career ready’. Whilst I was taking part in this we visited Geosynthetics Ltd.’s office on an open day trip and everyone was really friendly and helpful to answering any questions I had. I then knew that if I had the opportunity to apply for an apprenticeship I wanted to choose Geosynthetics Ltd.


What do you enjoy most about your apprenticeship?

Deanna: I have a large variety of daily tasks and I really enjoy all of them to be honest. These are proof of delivery documents, filling, answering incoming calls, post, matching paperwork, dealing with sample & lit requests and also dealing with any Proof of delivery requests from customers. I thoroughly enjoy working at Geosynthetics Ltd, everyone has made me feel very welcome and everyone works as a team.


Are you given a lot of support and guidance during your apprenticeship?

Deanna: Yes, during my apprenticeship I am given a lot of support and guidance. Everyone is always very helpful when I have any questions and everyone always ensures I am ok throughout the day.


What advice would you give to someone who is interested in taking the path of an apprenticeship?

Deanna: For someone who is interested in taking the route for an apprenticeship, I would say go for it as not only does taking an apprenticeship develop your knowledge it also opens many new opportunities for you.


To find out more about Geosynthetics Ltds career opportunities and vacancies please visit